Features Highlights ... Download datasheet
· Allow telephony presence awareness in Microsoft Skype for Business client application regardless of the telephony infrastructure and the types of phone sets: Deskphone, DECT, Headset or Smartphone.
· No client installation is required on user desktop.
· The “in a call” message is displayed based on the language of the Skype client application installed on users’ desktops and it could be personalized for each phone type and for each language.
· Display the users’ phone statuses regardless of whether they are logged in or not to Microsoft Skype for Business client applications.
· Phone states are displayed regardless of the type of the Skype client application license (Standard CALs, Enterprise Voice, peer-to-peer VoIP).
· Bi-directional phone forwarding detection: Enable Skype users to control the call forwarding from both Skype client application and Phone device.
· Thanks to the Corebridge ”CATSWrapper” APIs layer, the Smart gateway can act as a "Presence Communicator" to deliver also the Skype for Business presence states, including telephony status, to 3rd party applications; avoiding the need to make appropriate acknowledgements of Microsoft UCMA technology.